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L’innovazione che crea valore

di Paolo Galfione
Aggiornato al 18 Giugno 2020
Sosia web debito informativo

Alla fine del 2016 abbiamo deciso di adottare Zero questo framework molto interessante e promettente nonostante fosse un progetto opensource promosso da un giovane sviluppatore di Istanbul. Ci piaceva sia il modo con cui hanno “assemblato” alcune tecnologie che fanno riferimento al mondo DotNet, sia il fatto che hanno costruito una architettura che promuove il Domain Driven Design che era proprio l’approccio che volevamo utilizzare per dare valore agli oggetti di dominio rispetto alla tecnologia che sta intorno e che potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (persistenza, servizi, application, presentation, etc).
La fiducia è stata ben riposta perché Volosoft è cresciuta e il framework Asp.Net Boilerplate o ABP (opensource) + Asp.Net Zero (estensione commerciale di ABP) nel dicembre 2019 sono diventate la terza tecnologia Microsoft più ricercata su Github.
Una scelta strategica, che ci ha permesso di aggiungere valore alle soluzioni software per il mondo socio sanitario.

Siamo stati intervistati quale caso di successo e riportiamo di seguito l’intervista rilasciata su Zero:

Meet Softwareuno

Softwareuno has been developing application software for Italian care facilities for the last 30 years by creating ERP systems and developing products for both the management of electronic medical records and for business processes support.
Their practical experience allowed them to achieve a deep understanding of their clients’ needs (assisted living facilities, adult daycare centers, services for the disabled, hospice care, retirement homes) in order to guide them through the digitization process. “We carefully assist who carefully assists” is their mission. For them, digital innovation is a tool that will facilitate growth and the organizational change yet allowing the continuity of operation.
The Softwareuno team is made by 20 developers, 20 assistants, 6 sales representatives. Their main project is an application for the management of he care plan in structures that host chronic patients and elderly people. Their product allows them to manage both home care services and residential services for retirement homes and day hospitals.
Softwareuno only has one application branch; however, their product is highly customizable to the needs of every customer.

The Product built with ASP.NET Zero

ASP.NET Zero became Softwareuno’s reference framework for all the products they offer, both on-site and on the cloud, for the management of the electronic medical records and the treatment process of the patients.

The Challenge

Before implementing ASP.NET Zero, Softwareuno was dealing with a rigid application that over time stratified on the different technologies ranging from 2005 to 2015. The software was compact and poorly structured, the business code was repeated and often paired with the user interface.

The Solution

Thanks to ASP.NET Boilerplate and ASP.NET Zero, they were able to create an application with a modular and ordered architecture in which they could implement the business logic utilizing the Domain-Driven Design principles.ASP.NET Zero satisfied most of the functional and technological requisites that Softwareuno identified as necessary in order to replan their application core. It allowed them to accelerate the rewriting process and it gave us a great point of reference for the writing of better code.The modular architecture at the basis of ASP.NET Zero allowed them to realize a gradual migration plan from the old applications, and to immediately implement the new functionalities that were meant to initially supplement the older ones.

The Outcome

Softwareuno’s customers that upgraded to the new application are very satisfied and the negotiations with new clients revealed that their product is finally considered the best in its market segment.
ASP.NET Zero helped Zwapgrid to address everything needed to keep a great user experience while letting their developers focus on the actual product challenges.

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Paolo Galfione

About Paolo Galfione

Nonostante sia perennemente distratto da una forma congenita di curiosità permanente, ho avuto la fortuna di poter mettere il mio talento informatico al servizio dei servizi alla persona. Da trent’anni mi occupo di innovazione in questo settore dove le potenzialità del digitale crescono senza sosta.